Lakshmi Mishra
4 min readDec 22, 2021

With Medium fever that kept me On, And then... I finally give shoutouts to my followers.

My journey on Medium began in February 2021, when I started learning the concepts of Digital marketing with DDIP (Digital Deepak Internship Program).

The best part of joining this program is you get to learn practically about every concept that's been taught. It's nothing theoretical, absolutely nothing.

Being said this, there is also a big motivation going back of your mind when you join this program is getting paid back for each assignment that is to be completed every month.

By the time you end up learning, you are not only started building your empire, but you have the return of investment that you have made for learning the most valuable concepts of Digital Marketing.

And Medium happened to me when we were supposed to write up our first blog and publish it live for the first time on a publishing platform.

One of the publishing platforms that we were suggested best for writing and building content was medium.

And the first-ever write-up that I published on any platform was here on Medium.

Being an introvert from childhood to my professional life, I always remained at the back end for all the tasks that I ever took up.

Today, when I look up to my school days and think o myself, I wonder, how far I have come up just because of writing. I remember very well, in my school days, I used to purposely score to be 3 rd best student in class, as I hesitated to b first and represent the class even worst than that, is receiving an applaud for coming first or second in front of the whole school, which was something, I was really very scared about. And this practice became part of my life.

Medium platform, and digital marketing, has given m confidence in coming ahead and speaking my heart out, as here I don’t know people personally, and no one is going to come to me to judge me, high is one thing that I was really scared of.

The community and the people are so encouraging and helpful, that I get the confidence to come up and write whatever I have to share. Share my knowledge, share my stupidness, share my confidence that I had hidden from the world. For which I am grateful to medium altogether.

There is a time, when usually women, take a break from their careers to welcome a new member in their lives and take a rest. My case being reverse, I started learning digital marketing when I was 3 months pregnant and was expecting my second baby.

My learning new concepts, everyday assignments, webinars, and new challenges, made me quit medium for a while, but in intervals when I used to share something, I always turned back to medium.

Till this time, I was never aware of the concept of MPP and followers and all.

One fine day, while going through one of the mail from medium, which pokes about followers for followers, made me step back and learn about this.

By this time, I already delivered my baby, who was 3 months old.

And then, I started writing again on medium whenever I had time. Managing both the lids, handling my work at home, my health everything, in a day I made sure, before hitting the bed, I write something here.

And then a big change happened, I started writing to each one, I came across to follow me so that I can grow.

Today when I see I reached to gather 100 followers, One thing that I learned from my experience is, for an introverted person like me, this rule is something that had to come early in my life.

Because, with this, I came out of my comfort zone and reached people to follow me, and learn that only when we ask or say something, we can get something. Be it positive or negative, we will get beautiful learning from it. So always come forward and ask.

For me personally, it is not like begging for followers, for me it coming out of my comfort zone, and realizing that it's nothing wrong for you to ask.

And I am truly truly thankful for medium, forgetting the confidence in me.

Today, I can shout out loud and thank each of my followers, for listening to me, accepting my request, and letting m grow. Though I am not going to b paid for my writings, that acceptance that I have received from this community is what will keep me on.

I sincerely thank each of my followers mentioned below.

Devyani Upadhyay

Owen W.


AliciaMarie Belchak | Master Life, Build Dreams

Aakriti Mittal

Opt for Wealth

Hannah Ferris


Nick Schot


Alle C. Hall

Apurva Shimpi


Ethan Tang

Hannah Chesworth


Athira Gopal k

Melissa Ketler, BA, MA

Hollie Petit, Ph.D.

Ansuman Bhujabal

Benjamin Rancourt

Patrick OConnell

B.R. Shenoy

Andrew Kulta

Aaron L. Gravely

David Ben Gurion

Lemetria Whitehurst,

Nicole Dake

Vaishnavi Gangadhar

Jeff Deck

Gizem Fox

Nadeem Khan

Mubashir Godha

Hammad Khaled Khan

Mark Bundang

Marcel Morales




Marta Ferreira

Svetoslav Grigorov

Grace Johnson

Yuri Rodriguez

Mayank Sonni

Tomas Zaicevas

Megan Llorente

Mmadu Stanley

Amanda Payne

Lindo Shandu

David Perlmutter

Tyra Jaide

Adesh Kumar Mishra

Adnr Studio

Lucas Fonseca

Caitlin Samminga

Victor LeBlanc

Adem Rama

EH Hong


Nadine Peterson

Siana Massey

Alexandru Cosmin

Ella Heart

Olapado Adesunloro

Vonny Lang

Haley Joned

Simon Pocklington


Lalitha Sampathi

Karthik Vishwanathan

Katlyn Simone

Shubham Shrivastava

Isaac Carreras Olive


Jessica Rabel


Xinqi Lin

Solomon Zulu

Felipe Moreno


A’milly Rosey

Eric Casiano

Sara Marium

Benjamin Pijanowski

Imam Mashari


Deborah Camp

Banji Alo


D David Croot

Natalie Scott

Mark B Gilgam


Ed Benjamin

Omer Tarik Ozdemir

Cheryll MV

Antonis lliakis

Yusuf Khan

Ezinne Anne Emilia

Brenda Acevedo


Erick Rodriguez


Damian Schulze

Ranadeep Porandla

Larry Berlin

Memati Bas

Sulav Kandel



Lakshmi Mishra

Writer of blogs on Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Fashion, Self-care, and Personal Development. Wordpress website building is my new love.